Solar Performance Monitoring
For Utility Solar Power Projects with realtime analytics and automated MIS reports, truly going far beyond SCADA systems…
For Utility Solar Power Projects with realtime analytics and automated MIS reports, truly going far beyond SCADA systems…
Outsource your O&M to SolarPro and relax with our Performance Ratio (PR), Availability and Response Time guarantees...
Diagnostics for continuous performance improvement for better RoI in both performing & under performing plants...
Our Technology to deliver O&M Service
- SolarPro; India's first solar assets management software designed for Indian conditions
SolarPro helps squeeze maximum performance out of solar plants with real time data analysis and reporting for quick fault handling and deep diagnostics. Designed on the basis of IEC 61724 standards, SolarPro operates alongside existing SCADA and / or performance monitoring systems and enables centralized monitoring over a cloud. In addition to routine performance metrics and MIS, it incorporates features that provide graphic reports of module cleaning cycles; impact of excess soiling and vegetation; health, safety, environment and personnel compliances; inspection lists; and 3-D information modeling of the entire plant over GPS is under development.
Solarpro undertakes O&M contracts with performance guarantees . We follow best practices for plant inspection procedures, quality assurance plans, and standard checklists for periodic and predictive maintenance. Read More
We can become your O&M sub contractors and provide guarantees on response times, availability and performance ratios. Read More
Our approach consists of Design Evaluation, Acceptance Testing, O&M with Performance guarantees. Read More